First of all, let’s review a few things about crystals. . . Crystal Tones™ singing bowls are made from 99.992% pure quartz crystal. Crystals are very sensitive and precise gemstones that accumulate a charge from the person using them. Crystals act as amplifiers of the bio-energetic fields surrounding the body. They amplify that charge and transmit it through the crystal to a designated purpose or destination via breath and intent.
The crystals function as bio-energetic templates, transducers and transmitters. They can amplify, store, focus, transfer and transmute energy. Crystal is the ultimate vehicle of communication and thus it is used in all sorts of communication devices such as computers, radios, and microphones. Our bodies are crystalline in structure, so they resonate deeply with the bowls.
1. Positive Thoughts
Believe it or not, the most important way to keep your bowls safe is by holding positive thoughts about their well-being, e.g. — “You are lovely and safe”. However, if you are like me, you also want something a bit more concrete. So here are two additional tips.
2. Physical Cleaning
I haven’t found it necessary to physically clean my bowls very often. Maybe they naturally repel dust? If you do need to clean them, use a soft cloth and some purified water. Gently wipe the bowls inside and out. If necessary, use a soft brush with mild dish soap or a salt water solution (no more than 2%). Don’t use anything with harsh chemicals or abrasives. Let them air dry.
3. Energetic Clearing
Marcel Vogel says, “When you first acquire any crystal it needs to be cleared of any influences that might be harmful or limiting to you. Over years of research, two basic methods have been found to be effective in clearing a crystal. The first is to use a de-magnetizer. These are usually available from Radio Shack®. The field generated by this instrument will strip a crystal completely. A preferable method is to use your own breath and consciousness.”
Bowls collect a charge and energy signature from you and those you play them with. When you have used your bowls for a healing session with an individual or a group, it is a good idea to do a “sonic smudge” to clear the programming that it has absorbed. Here’s how:
“To release or clear the energies in a crystal . . . slowly breathe in with the thought to clear the crystal of any harmful or limiting influences. When the breath is fully inhaled, hold for one or two seconds and then forcefully exhale the breath in a short burst or pulse. The process of pulsing is somewhat like sneezing or a single round of the yogic breath of fire.
Then, draw in the breath with the intent of filling the crystal with all the Love in your Heart and pulse the breath. The pulsing action of the breath transfers the energy into the crystal and a fragment of consciousness occupies the lattice space within the crystal. The basic carrier wave and cohering factor of your consciousness is Love.” (Retrieved August 22, 2017 from Marcel Vogel website)
Once cleared, you can reprogram your bowls with chanting, toning, guided meditations, and prayerful thoughts.
Sunlight and moonlight are also said to refresh your bowls and clear them of negative and excess energy. Periodically place the bowls where they can be bathed in direct sunlight or moonlight. Below is a photo of some of my Alchemy™ crystal bowls having a sunbath. Their iridescent radiance totally refreshed me too!
Next time I'll give you 4 tips to avoid breaking your bowls.
Here’s to a lifetime of blessed journeying with your bowl mates! —Kaasay