Alchemy™ Crystal Bowl Sets in Stock
Here are the sets currently in stock—only at The Sound Sanctuary
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Kaasay is a Crystal Bowl Master™ who can custom-build 5-bowl Endocrine sets, 7-bowl chakra sets, and 12-bowl master sets, and add extra bowls that create binaural beats. Request a free 15-minute consultation
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Kaasay is a Crystal Bowl Master™ who can custom-build 5-bowl Endocrine sets, 7-bowl chakra sets, and 12-bowl master sets, and add extra bowls that create binaural beats. Request a free 15-minute consultation
- Ancestral Joy--Laughing Buddha practioner, Grandmother, Grandfather, Selenite/Ocean Gold (4 bowls)
- Ancient Harmony—Platinum, Anchi, Sugilite (3 bowls)
- Astral Gateway--Sage Aura Gold, Sugilite, Platinum, Tesseract Salt (4 bowls)
- Chorus of Angels—Labrodorite/Platinum, Tesseract Salt, Rose Opaque, Azeztulite (4 bowls)
- Deep Peace—Amethyst/Platinum, Grandmother/Platinum, Aqua Aura Gold/Grandmother, Dead Sea Salt/Palladium/Aqua Aura Gold (4 bowls)
- Heaven's Presence—Laughing Buddha, Indian Pipestone, Labradorite (3 bowls)
- Inner Illumination-—Egyptian Blue, Ocean Indium/Frosted Rim, Ruby Frosted/Mother of Platinum, Ocean Gold (4 bowls)
- Lavender Dreams—Ocean Indium/Frosted rim, Lavender Sunset Gold etched with hummingbirds and morning-glories, Platinum (3 bowls)
- Light Bridge—Iridescent rainbow pastels (6 bowls)
- Mystic Journey—Labradorite/Platinum, Moldavite, Moldavite (3 bowls)
- New Beginnings—Blue Moonstone, Lemon Angel Gold, Super 7, Aqua Aura Gold (4 bowls)
- Ocean Flow—Ocean Gold, Dead Sea Salt, Aqua Aura Gold (3 bowls)
- Sedona—Mother of Platinum/Grandfather, Yagna, Sedona Red Rock/Platinum, Sedona Red Rock (4 bowls)
- Serenity—Mother of Platinum, Pink Tourmaline, Abolone, Green Heart Ocean Gold (4 bowls)
- Shaman's Journey—Diamond/Platinum, Shungite, Cahrcoal, Lepidolite (4 bowls)
- Star Bridge—Violet Indium Sky, Moldavite/Platinum, Amethyust/Platinum (3 bowls)
- Temple of Grace—Chrone Goddess Sun/Ocean Gold Rim, Aqua Aura Gold, Malachite, Morganite/Platinum, Indium Pipestone/Platinum, (3 bowls)
- Vision Quest—White Gold, Carnelian, Turquoise (3 bowls)