What's currently in stock in Victoria?
There are over 250 types of Alchemy Crystal Singing bowls. Some examples are pictured below. Currently I have about 25 in stock (Sept. 2021). Price list
Each bowl is unique—handcrafted like a piece of pottery. Each has a different diameter, height, note and color. They are all 99.99% pure quartz crystal of the highest quality, layered with precious metals (gold, silver, platinum), gemstones (rubies, diamonds, rose quartz, Azeztulite) and minerals (Pink Himalayan Salt, Indian Pipestone, etc).
The purchase process. Most people find it pretty overwhelming to choose without assistance. I Use a special sales process to help you make your way through the maze of choices, and connect you with bowls that are perfect for you. Consultations are free during the pandemic. (Normally $150/hour)
One Bowl or a set?
It's perfectly fine to start with one bowl for your own healing and meditation. If you intend to use these for sound baths or healing work, I recommend a 3 or 5 bowl starter-set. That way you will know that the bowls are in tune with each other. It's harder to add bowls that match later. (Not impossible though!)
Since 2012 I have been creating exquisitely harmonized, custom-curated 3-bowl sets, 5-bowl endocrine sets, 7-bowl chakra sets, and 12-bowl Master sets. Each set is a one-of-a-kind artistic masterpiece. I guarantee them to be the highest quality sound you can purchase anywhere.
There are over 250 types of Alchemy Crystal Singing bowls. Some examples are pictured below. Currently I have about 25 in stock (Sept. 2021). Price list
Each bowl is unique—handcrafted like a piece of pottery. Each has a different diameter, height, note and color. They are all 99.99% pure quartz crystal of the highest quality, layered with precious metals (gold, silver, platinum), gemstones (rubies, diamonds, rose quartz, Azeztulite) and minerals (Pink Himalayan Salt, Indian Pipestone, etc).
The purchase process. Most people find it pretty overwhelming to choose without assistance. I Use a special sales process to help you make your way through the maze of choices, and connect you with bowls that are perfect for you. Consultations are free during the pandemic. (Normally $150/hour)
One Bowl or a set?
It's perfectly fine to start with one bowl for your own healing and meditation. If you intend to use these for sound baths or healing work, I recommend a 3 or 5 bowl starter-set. That way you will know that the bowls are in tune with each other. It's harder to add bowls that match later. (Not impossible though!)
Since 2012 I have been creating exquisitely harmonized, custom-curated 3-bowl sets, 5-bowl endocrine sets, 7-bowl chakra sets, and 12-bowl Master sets. Each set is a one-of-a-kind artistic masterpiece. I guarantee them to be the highest quality sound you can purchase anywhere.
Click on the photos to read about these examples.